1M+ Members
120K Registrants Annually
200+ Events Annually

End-to-End Event Experiences


Your Integrated Event Plan
  • Our Client Success team invests time understanding your expectations to prepare your Integrated Event Plan informed by our proprietary data analytics and your business goals

  • Regardless of programs, all Argyle clients receive Client Success Management support for the duration of your engagement with us


Multi-Channel Targeted Reach
  • Using our data analytics to understand how to reach your buyers, we maximize reach and lead generation before, during and after your event program

  • Argyle’s member database along with supporting predictive analytics and modelling informs where and when we engage


Ongoing Lead Generation
  • With your sign-off multiple platforms following your event program reinforce your investment to support lead generation long after the event

  • All digital, multi-channel content marketing tailored to your goals and utilizing the most relevant platforms keep working on your behalf

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